Resilient Recovery

Resilient Recovery for local governments

The Colorado Resiliency Office is committed to supporting local communities before, during, and after disruptions that may occur. To be resilient, it is important for local communities to consider recovery before an event happens to better ensure access to resources and support can be in place to help recover more quickly and effectively.

State Recovery Leads and Regional Support Teams

We encourage local communities to identify and build relationships with identified Recovery Support Function (RSF) leads at the State level, ahead of any disruptive event, to have an awareness of resources and support available while negotiating a potentially stressful and chaotic environment.

Some RSF lead agencies have regional support staff or managers that can assist local governments before, during, and after disasters in their area of expertise or RSF. Regional support staff or managers are established within the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM), and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).

Resilient Recovery Resources

Local Government Resources

Funding Support

Local Community Funding Guide: A comprehensive resource that details State funding for local governments and community organizations as well as Federal programs including the Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act (IIJA), Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). 

  • Colorado Forward: The State of Colorado’s resource for IIJA, IRA, and ARPA managed by the Governor’s Office of Economic Recovery 

    • Bi-Weekly Funding Email: A bi-weekly newsletter with updates and information about the above funding programs. Email Merry Gebretsadik to be added to this distribution list. 

  • Pathways to Recovery and Resiliency Funding: This webinar is offered monthly as part of the Local Government Coordination Call. Learn about State and Federal funding programs, best practices for applying, and connections for further technical assistance. 

Technical Assistance

  • CRO Recovery Program: Recovery is a component of the CRO’s Resilient Colorado Communities Program. See CRO’s Recovery support information

  • Recovery Support & Disaster Assistance Center Coordination: DOLA’s Regional Managers have a breadth of recovery experience, including helping local communities identify recovery resources and funding, coordination with state and federal agencies, and more. Find your Regional Manager

Disaster Management: Colorado’s Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management helps local governments access federal resources, including during a federal Presidential Disaster Declaration. DHSEM and DOLA Regional Managers will coordinate with the CRO on long-term recovery activities.

Learning from Recent Events

It is important that we continue to incorporate lessons learned from events we experience. While the following pages are not currently updated, they each serve as an archive of support entities, toolkits, guidance materials, plans, and more that can be referenced for future planning efforts.


Looking for additional support for incorporating resiliency into your recovery planning efforts? Reach out to the CRO’s Recovery Program Manager, Matthew Jacobs